by Eileen Bloss Buffone from the January 2025 issue
Tagline: Amanda, a city girl new to Montana, struggles with snow and isolation until her handsome landlord, Jonathan, offers pizza and companionship during a snowstorm.
Stream of Consciousness Observations: Contrary to my usual comments, these observations will be off-the-cuff, as I read, no forethought or analyzing. I usually do this because I'm behind on the blog and I need to catch-up.
Oh, I am a born and bred California girl and I, too, get antsy when driving in the snow.
She's a brave woman, moving to a new state with a completely different climate. However, as much as I like saguaro cacti, Big Sky Country would be so beautiful. I admire her sense of adventure!
"I'll bring the kerosene heater up from the basement." -- Her basement or his? I'm a little confused.
Pet peeve warning...their hands brush as she's handing him his root beer. As a barista, I hand drinks to people all day long without making skin to skin contact, but somehow this happens all the time in Woman's World stories. People's hands are constantly brushing accidentally. Maybe the point is that these people are doing it subconsciously because they're attracted to the other person? I don't know. I just know that it's very easy not to touch someone else when handing them things and it bugs me everytime I see it in a story.
"This is the first time I've actually seen snow." -- I find it a teensy bit strange that he doesn't react more to this. All he says is that it's been a mild winter.
Oh, a ride on a snowmobile sounds like a ton of fun. I like how Jonathan is just going for it.
Okay, I've finished the story. There was no black/gray moment, and I do miss it a little, although, as I've said many times before, it's not necessary for publication. The couple have a love of cooking in common, so that's a plus as far as their future is concerned! We always want to leave the story with a reasonable expectation of happiness and love between the couple.
Photo by Michael Lucas via Flickr CC License